Today, we'll go through seven techniques for reusing your blog posts so that you can give them additional life and broaden their appeal.

#1. Turn your blog posts into an ebook.

This is a great way to repurpose your content and it doesn't have to be a massive undertaking. If you've written a post that meets the criteria of being long-form, in-depth and detailed, then you can use this as the basis for an ebook.

You can do this by simply adding some links to resources or other relevant articles at the end of each section, or even at the beginning or middle if it's relevant. This way, when someone reads your ebook, they'll have access to more information about what you're talking about without having to go searching for it elsewhere.

If you're worried about losing readers from this approach, don't worry! You can always include a call-to-action at the end of your ebook which directs readers back to where they can find more information on that topic on your website or blog.

#2. Create a lead magnet using the content from your blog posts.

If you've written a blog post, chances are you have some great stuff that might be of value to people who want to learn more about your company. You can repurpose this content by creating a lead magnet that gets shared with potential customers and clients.

A lead magnet is a free resource that has value for your audience. It helps build trust, credibility, and authority in the eyes of your readers so they'll be more likely to buy from you. Lead magnets should be easy to access on any device and easy to share with others.

#3. Use your blog's content again in a guest post.

One of the best ways to repurpose your blog content is to submit it as a guest post.

When you submit a guest post, it will be published on another site under your name. This can help you build trust with new audiences, and it can also lead to more traffic and backlinks for your website.

However, there are some things you should know before submitting a guest post:

* Guest posts should be relevant to the blog's readership. If the piece isn't relevant, they won't publish it (and no one will read it). Make sure they would be interested in reading your article before submitting it!

* Make sure the language is clean and easy to understand. Your writing should be clear enough that anyone could read it without getting confused or bored by jargon.

#4. Make a podcast using the content from your blog.

If you've ever listened to a podcast, then you know that it can be an engaging and entertaining way to learn about a topic. But did you also know that podcasts can be extremely valuable for your business?

Podcasts are a great way to get your message out into the world, but more importantly, podcasts are an excellent way to build trust with potential customers. People who listen to podcasts are more likely to purchase from brands they like, which means that if you're able to create a good podcast, then you're going to see an increase in sales as well.

With this in mind, why not use some of your blog content as fodder for a podcast? You don't have to just talk about the same topics over and over again—you can create a completely different experience by putting together new information based on what your readers are interested in learning more about. It's easy enough: just take some of the key points from your blog posts and turn them into short audio clips or even full-blown episodes!

#5. Use the material on your blog to publish a video.

If you have an idea for a video, but don't have the time or budget to make it happen, use your existing blog content as the basis for a video. You can do this in several ways:

  • Record yourself reading your article and upload it as a podcast episode on iTunes or Stitcher.
  • Repurpose the content into a screencast that teaches how to do something, like how to use a certain app or software tool. This is especially useful if you're offering some sort of paid service where clients need to be trained on how to use your product.
  • Create an animated explainer video using PowerPoint or Keynote (or any other presentation software).
#6. Convert a blog post you wrote into an infographic.

If you want to repurpose your content, but don't have the time or resources to create a video, consider creating an infographic instead! Infographics are an excellent way to make information more digestible by presenting it visually. And they're also just plain cool—who doesn't love a good infographic?

The first step is to find a topic that lends itself well to infographic creation. Any topic that's too complicated will be too difficult for readers to understand on paper; if you can't explain it in one sentence, it won't work as an infographic either. Also make sure that you can find good data for your subject—if there aren't any statistics or research studies about your topic, then there won't be anything interesting for readers to look at in their infographic.

Once you've got a clear idea of what kind of information you want your graphic to contain, start thinking about how best to present this information visually. What kind of shapes and colors will help readers better understand what they're looking at? How can you group similar pieces of information so that they're easy for readers' eyes to follow?

#7. Transform a blog post into a webinar.

Webinars are a great way to share your expertise with your audience, but they can be time-consuming to plan and put together. If you're looking for an easy way to expand the reach of your content without having to create something from scratch, consider transforming one of your blog posts into a webinar.

To do this, first, write out any slides or other visuals that might help explain the topic of your post. Then add them as slides during the presentation. You'll want to make sure that each slide contains relevant information and is designed well enough so it doesn't distract from what you're saying—but don't worry if you're not an expert in design! You can use a tool like Canva or Pablo to quickly make beautiful designs without needing any design skills at all.

Finally, make sure your presentation is recorded so people who can't attend live can see it later on YouTube or another platform!


Without needing to make your content creation process more difficult, you may expand both your audience and your business. Simply implement our seven suggestions for repurposing your blog posts.

If you need any additional help with developing or repurposing your blog material, click here to get started.

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