

A learning approach that delivers short, focused, and bite-sized content to learners. Microlearning is typically designed for quick consumption and targeted skill development.
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Microlearning refers to a modern and learner-centered approach to education and training that delivers small, bite-sized units of content designed to address specific learning objectives. It involves breaking down complex topics or skills into concise, focused modules or learning activities that can be easily consumed and assimilated by learners.

Microlearning leverages the principles of short attention spans and information retention to deliver highly targeted and engaging learning experiences.

In the context of online course creation, microlearning offers several benefits. It provides learners with flexibility and convenience, allowing them to access learning materials anytime and anywhere, often through digital platforms or mobile devices.

The compact nature of microlearning content enables learners to engage with it during short pockets of time, such as during breaks or while commuting. This makes learning more accessible and adaptable to learners' busy schedules.

Microlearning modules typically range from a few minutes to around 15 minutes in duration, focusing on a specific concept, task, or skill. They often employ multimedia elements such as videos, interactive quizzes, infographics, or short texts to present information in a visually engaging and interactive manner. The content is designed to be easily digestible, ensuring that learners can absorb and retain the key takeaways effectively.

Microlearning is particularly effective for delivering just-in-time training, reinforcing learning, or addressing specific knowledge gaps. It allows learners to focus on one concept or skill at a time, making the learning process more manageable and promoting better information retention.

Course creators can leverage microlearning to design modular and flexible learning pathways that align with learners' needs and preferences, resulting in enhanced engagement, knowledge transfer, and overall learning outcomes.

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